Check out our video from the Glassblowing and Flameworking course above!
Thank you to all who attended WinterSession over break! We had over 70 students attend our 9 courses. Our courses included Scrum Certification, Glassblowing, Vinyl Record Making, The Future of Higher Education, Innovative Team Workshop, Leadership Training with ROTC, Intro to Machining, and Intro to 3D printing. We had incredible support from faculty and alumni as well as several Worcester-based organizations.
In alum Marc Trudeau's course, students practiced Scrum techniques with Legos as they worked towards their certification exam.
Alum Joe Gammal of Synecticsworld teaches his Innovative Team Workshop.
Faculty, students and alums were tasked with working together to solve a design challenge at the WinterSession Welcome Dinner.
We hope to continue on the success of WinterSession next year, as we continue to revive this WPI tradition. We'll be posting more photos and videos on the WPI LaunchPad Facebook page.